Some couples are very fortunate to share a closely-knit vision of life that merges creative and personal interests into one undivided whole. Governor Lydia is a personal portrait of how a shared life can extend to include a larger vision of the world.
In 1997, Lydia became one of the first 50 women District Governors for Rotary International®. In a region with mostly isolated small communities, Lydia and Charles Frenzel describe their experience as “scrambling to help the people face Change.”
At a time in which the American people are pounded continuously with a media blitz advocating isolation, fear, and a me-first attitude, service clubs, like Lions® , Soroptimist®, Kiwanis®, and Rotary® are providing solutions and removing obstacles in community life. The members of service clubs contribute daily random acts of kindness to the people of small villages and large cities over the world.
All service clubs open vistas and opportunities to serve your village, region, state, country, and the world’s people. Lydia and Charles write about their adventures with compassionate people struggling with the discovery of how ordinary people, each giving a little of their time and resources, can organize to achieve extraordinary assistance.
As the tag-a-long, Charles describes the non-traditional role of the male Next of Kin, partner, spouse, or significant other.
Often, the glue that bonds two people together boils down to answering simple questions. Charles faced the question “Why would you want to be the husband of a headstrong, independent female?” Lydia faced the question “Why would you want to be a Rotarian in a man’s world?” These are not untypical questions that all people face. Some of the personal answers to these questions are found in Governor Lydia.