You would find it very difficult to get Dr. Frenzel to speak about her life, so when writing this section of her website came up for discussion, she insisted that someone else come up with a these words.
Dr. Frenzel lives a very interesting life. She started out in her career with a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Texas but soon moved out into a world much larger than most of her colleagues. As you may have gathered if you are familiar with her biographical material, perhaps best reflected in her work with Rotary International, she almost immediately stepped out of the career of a chemist and embraced not only other branches of basic science and engineering, but also politics, medicine, history, and philosophy. She knows that going deep into any subject is likely to uncover how it is related to every other subject worth of exploration.
This observation needs some explanation which ought to include a few examples which may help to explain why her life may have touched yours even though in such an indirect way that you would never be aware of the connection.