Recently I missed the mark badly when 1 was lecturing on “Coatings Removal and discovered that the jetters I was addressing; had only experienced scarifying concrete with blast pots or waterjetting.
With this new equipment, the company can now clean concrete, take grime off of asphalt, take tile off floors, and remove rust from tube bundles.
Many industrial cleaning companies complete projects all year long that DON’T involve repainting.
· take paint and rust off steel where it will be repainted.
Have we established a pressure waterjetting (UH P WJ) or wet measurement from top of the peak to the bottom of the valley in steel surfaces or provided a “clean” mortar-pebble surface in concrete?
In any project, all three of these components are addressed whether you are using low pressure water cleaning (LP WC) or ultra-high abrasive blasting (WAB).
As the paint and rust were removed, it was obvious that the original hot-roll mill scale was present.
It revealed the profile under the paint and rust.
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