Tag Archives: abrasive blast

Microscopic Analysis of Steel after Waterjet Cleaning

February 25, 2016


In the late 1990’s,  I received a report from Materials Evaluation Laboratory.  The report is copyrighted.  The pump company had cleaned UHP WJ on panels supplied by a major oil company.  Materials Evaluation Laboratory analyzed the substrate with microscopy and metallurgy compared to abrasive blasting.  This was at the time that UHP WJ was scarce and […]

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Comparison of Wet Abrasive Blast (WAB) and Dry Abrasive Blast Cleaning

February 4, 2016

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There are many methods of wet abrasive blast cleaning (WAB) in surface preparation to remove coatings. Since the 1980’s, Carolina Equipment and Supply Co. (CESCO) has been supplying WAB equipment  along with recycling methods. Recently CESCO sent me two youtubes to directly compare traditional dry abrasive blast cleaning and Wet Abrasive Blast Cleaning using their […]

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Lead Based Paint on Bridges- Cost Effective Alternatives- FHWA

July 8, 2015

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I get questions about relative cost for various surface preparation methods and the pros and cons.  I refer people to this study as they can plug in their own numbers. “COST EFFECTIVE ALTERNATIVE METHODS FOR STEEL BRIDGE PAINT SYSTEM MAINTENANCE” CONTRACT NO. DTFH61-97-C-00026 was published by the FHWA with Corrpro in September 2001.  The final […]

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