MSDS and manufacturer’s ASTM F 718 sheets, Shipbuilders and Marine Paints and Coating Product / Procedure Data Sheet for coating system being applied. NOTE: IMPLEMENTING AUTHORITY WILL DESIGNATE SURFACE PREPARATION METHOD TO USE, METHOD 1 UHP WATER JETTING, OR METHOD 2 POWER TOOL CLEANING. NOTE: The Responsible Implementing Authority shall have the authority to reject […]
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High Traffic Interior Decks
April 5, 2009
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1.1 Cleaning, Surface Preparation and Painting Requirements for High Traffic Interior Decks. MSDS and manufacturer’s ASTM F 718 sheets, Shipbuilders and Marine Paints and Coating Product / Procedure Data Sheet for Coating Systems Being Applied. 4.5.1 Record and restore existing painted labels, compartment designations, hull markings, and other painted information which will be removed or […]
Inspector Responsibilities
April 5, 2009
A Primary Mission of the Council is to promote effective means of surface preparation in the maintenance industry using water and water/abrasive blasting techniques. Checkpoints and final inspections shall be signed off by certified coating inspectors. 4.3.4 COATING INSPECTOR RESPONSIBILITIES: Coating inspectors are responsible for requirements listed in NSTM 631, Section 11.7. 4.10.1 Prevent contamination […]
Maintenance Costs and Reform
April 5, 2009
A Primary Mission of the Council is to promote effective means of surface preparation in the maintenance industry using water and water/abrasive blasting techniques. In Scotland last year a group of coatings manufacturers estimated the coatings maintenance market was $2 Billion Dollars. The estimation for coatings going over water jetting surfaces was 510%. While all […]
UHP Equipment
April 5, 2009
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A Primary Mission of the Council is to promote effective means of surface preparation in the maintenance industry using water and water/abrasive blasting techniques. Operating conditions, cleaning rates, and performance differ substantially from standard equipment with several significant advantages applicable in todays environmentally and safety- conscious society. Early in 1971, the first ultrahigh-pressure compact intensifier […]
Benchmark Cost Study
April 5, 2009
A 1975 benchmark study by Battelle-NBS calculated the cost of corrosion to be $70 billion per year, which was 4.2 percent of the nation’s gross national product (GNP). In this study, the total direct cost of corrosion was determined by analyzing 26 industrial sectors in which corrosion is known to exist and extrapolating the results […]
April 5, 2009
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