Fixing Pipeline Problems; Performing Pipeline Rehabilitation Agenda 21- October 2014

Performing Pipeline Rehabilitation- Course Programme

21-22 October, 2014, Berlin Germany
Deterioration Mechanisms                        Causes of pipeline problems and consequences
Rehabilitation Options                                What overall methods can be considered
In-plant Rehabilitation                               Reconditioning pipe in a stationary facility
Out of the Ditch Rehabilitation                  Case Studies of recoating a large diameter gas line in Canada and Russia
In-Situ Projects                                             Working on live lines
Case Studies- Oil Line                                   Recoating an operating large diameter of oil line in Kazakhstan and Canada
Case Study- Gas Line                                    Recoating an operating large diameter gas line in Canada
Inspection                                                       Inspection of the pipeline in the field
Internal Corrosion                                      Case studies of internal rehabilitation projects
Repair                                                            Methods for repairing pipeline defects in the field- pros and cons
External Strengthening of a line             Increasing the operating pressure of existing pipeline externally
Internal Strengthening of a line              Increasing the operating pressure of an existing pipeline internally
Coating Removal                                        Equipment available for removal of existing coatings in the field
Surface Preparation                                  Surface preparation equipment and product rates
Coating Materials issues                          Selecting the new coating and application equipment needed
Estimating Costs                                       Equipment and manpower requirements
Review                                                        Questions and Answers

2 replies on “Fixing Pipeline Problems; Performing Pipeline Rehabilitation Agenda 21- October 2014”

  1. Darling Lydia please contact me asap. I miss you and can’t find your number and need your help. Don

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