Costs of Incidents

Few safety departments have systems in place to verify these statements, however. Furthermore, companies which use verification systems that simply capture cash costs are missing a significant piece of the true incident cost puzzle. If the department does not understand an organization’s true financial loss, senior management will find it difficult to see what financial …

Partnering for the Environment

Because of the inherent types of operations, processes and some of the materials utilized in the shipbuilding and ship repair business, these facility are subject to regulatory oversight, specifically in this case, environmental regulation. Conventional stormwater management activities that are effective at other types of facilities may not necessarily be effectively implemented at a shipyard. …

Managing Shipyard Stormwater

Shipyards are facing increased regulation of stormwater discharges through the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting process. The development of low-cost but effective stormwater control, collection, and treatment alternatives is necessary to minimize environmental compliance costs at U.S. shipyards and strengthen the public image of shipyards as stewards of the environment. This paper presents …

Pollutants in Storm Water Discharge

[download id=”41″]Various shipyard operations and processes can be the source of pollutants found in shipyard stormwater discharges. It is important to identify the pollutant types, their potential sources and estimate the loading from these sources in order, to determine where Best Management Practices to control the discharges can be applied. This paper uses common shipyard …

Techniques Used in Environmental Labs

Because some analytes are light sensitive, samples must be placed in an amber container rather than a clear one. Usually, an equal volume from each of the bottles is poured into a consolidation container and then passed on to the appropriate lab for analysis. Hydrogen ion concentration (pH), for example, must be analyzed immediately whereas …

Storm Water Enforcement Strategy

The presentation will include information about how efforts are prioritized under EPA’s Storm Water Enforcement Strategy, how EPA determines permit compliance, and the various enforcement responses to violations. Finally, Region 4’s storm water inspection program will be addressed. The focus was on major municipal wastewater treatment plants and industrial facilities which have discharges of over …

Clean Water Act and Storm Water Control

The Federal Clean Water Act generally allows for the filing of a lawsuit by any party who claims to have been adversely affected by the discharge of another. While the successful filing of a citizen suite requires many facts to be proved, opinions on what is legally required to sustain a successful suite may surprise …

Shipyard Environmental Issues Track

The Advisory Council is a sponsor of the Lydia Frenzel Conference Series. The 2001 Shipyard Environmental Issues Track of the Southern States Annual Environmental Conference (“SSAEC”) consists of a series of papers and presentations prepared for, and given at the 11th Southern States Annual Environmental Conference in Boluxi, Mississippi from September 24 — 27, 2001. …

Storm Water Waste

A Primary Mission of the Council is to promote effective means of surface preparation in the maintenance industry using water and water/abrasive blasting techniques. The theme of the 2001 Shipyard Environmental Issues Track theme is “Managing Shipyard Stormwater Discharges.” No actual permit is issued to the facility, but rather the facilities files the NOI for …